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Noņemti 9 baiti, 2012. gada 3. maijs, plkst. 00.21
nav labojuma kopsavilkuma
ASV Ārlietu ministrijas atbildes teksts:
{{Quotation| class="wikitable"|''The Secretary of State has asked me to reply to your telegram of July 27.''
''Let me say that the U.S. is sympathetic with the position you set forth in your telegram and that I personally understand your dsappointment as well as the disappointment of your membership in having your meeting cancelled under circumstances which arose rather suddenly.''
''I understand that it was possible for you to make other arrangements to hold your meeting in Hannover. I hope that these arrangements have worked out well, and I am truly sorry for any inconvenience caused to you or your organization by changing events''.
Savā atbildes vēstulē ASV Ārlietu ministrija nepievēršas 1. VLJK aizliegšanas iemesliem, bet, kā ierasts latviešu un baltiešu jautājumos, deklarē, ka tā «konsekventi ir atteikusies atzīt patvarīgo Latvijas iekļaušanu Padomju Savienībā». Šāda atbilde nevarēja apmierināt 1. VLJK dalībniekus no ASV.
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